21.3 K Views

Lal Qilla In Tears

Biographies & Autobiographies | 7 Chapters

Author: Krushna Prasad Pati

21.3 K Views

It was his firm resolution to pay homage to late Mrs. Indira Gandhi after her tragic assassination on 31st October, 1984. The journey to Teenmurti Bhawan was not easy. An entry into the Bhawan on 1st November was a Himalayan task. Hatred was writ large on the faces of the visitors waiting at the Teenmurti circus. The gates were forcefully closed by the police in his presence. Was he able to pay homage? What happened to the Sikh gentleman in the P....

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Biographies & Autobiographies | 7 Chapters

Author: Krushna Prasad Pati

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Lal Qilla in Tears

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